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Сообщений 1 страница 30 из 39
Поделиться12008-11-19 18:56:14
Поделиться22009-10-05 22:15:38
А что делать с хомячками Чу-Чу?
Поделиться32009-10-21 15:27:14
А это кто?
Поделиться42009-10-23 18:37:11
Это те, кто верны заветам факадемика Чудинова.
Поделиться52013-04-25 15:06:22
я бы предложил и родноверов с долбославами банить.
Поделиться62016-05-01 06:54:22
And what to do with hamsters Chu Chu?
Signature of the authorÉg er Freeyyaa, forystukona valkirja og norskra skogarkatta
Поделиться72016-05-04 23:06:53
Panther, do you really think that all the languages of the world derived from Old English?
Поделиться82016-05-06 05:54:04
No. Old English sounds like a drunken Dutch.
Languages of the world originated first from body language. I would guess Tamil is next. Followed by Arabic, Persian (the language of angels), cats, and Yoko Ono. They are imitating cats coughing. I had pneumonia once and tried to name a kitten. His name is WHHCCCTT-HHHH. It is the same sound as a hair ball, but I was neither drunk nor Dutch. Yoko still sings like a wounded goat in heat. She is the enemy of language and man.
Hell "hath" no fur-balls like a Yoko Ono. Now that is old English.
Поделиться92016-05-06 15:16:44
Old English sounds like a drunken Dutch.
I had studied Old English in the university, "The Ohthere's travel", this book is about Scandinavian hucksters.
Поделиться102016-05-07 06:08:17
I had studied Old English in the university, "The Ohthere's travel"
как дела, Саня.
I am curious. Who wrote this book? And what did you learn about these Scandanavian shucksters? Be they friends or enemy of elves? I want to read it.
Languages are a great interest of mine.
хороших выходных, Guardsman.
Поделиться112016-05-07 06:28:22
Here is a list of enemies of our site and forum 1. Rabid russophobes - people frantically hate Russia and Russian. Signature of the authorAdmin severe
This is why I'm here. It is safe here.
I don't know why people would do this. Yes! Those people are enemies. They are enemies and they are stupid people, ignorant and lovers of themselves. These people are blind. They can not see beyond themselves. They should be punished and exiled. These are a brainwashed people. They make me sick.
Отредактировано Panther (2016-05-07 06:37:46)
Поделиться122016-05-08 14:06:33
And what did you learn about these Scandanavian shucksters? Be they friends or enemy of elves? I want to read it.
Languages are a great interest of mine.
I don't know who wrote this book. This is the Old English epic book which had been written during the Dark Ages or early Middle Ages
Поделиться132016-05-08 14:26:52
huckster is someone who sells illegal alcohol or drugs and requires an inflated price. Ohthere dealed walrus tusks.
Поделиться142016-05-08 15:43:21
What a good girl! And her father is a huckster and profiteer! (this is a quote from the Soviet film "Gentlemen of fortune")
Поделиться162016-05-08 16:01:41
Languages are a great interest of mine.
mine too. I was studied in the linguistic university, so I'm a phylologist. I now studying Georgian, Gagauzian, Romanian, Tadgikian, Uzbekian, Ukrainian. For example:
Dute'm'pulo - fuck you
Dute'dracu - go to devil
Sharap - wine
Bira - beer
Pek islaa - all right
Aman - very bad
Domuz - pig
Popaz - priest
Ban seni severim - I love you
Kartveli hart? - Are you a Georgian?
Diah - yes
Batono - Mr.
Kalbatono - Mrs.
Svanuri marili - Svanish salt, the Georgian spice
Tshali - water
Lagidze tshali - Tbilisi zelters water
Didi - big
Traki - ass
Gotveran - villain (Georgia), fag (Azerbaydjan)
Chatlakh - bastard (Georgia), prostitute (Azerbaydjan)
Ancient Ukrian:
Bambarbeyaaa, khergodoo - if you refuse we'll knife you
Отредактировано Саня Гвардеец (2016-05-09 22:39:23)
Поделиться172016-05-08 22:22:12
Are you a honest patsak? Can you driving the pepelats?
Поделиться182016-05-09 13:23:59
Pepelats - car
Etsilopp - cop
Mr. PJ - fuckademician Chou-Chou
Gravitsappa - engine
Поделиться192016-05-11 05:54:43
Panther wrote (a):Languages are a great interest of mine.mine too. I was studied in the linguistic university, so I'm a phylologist. I now studying Georgian, Gagauzian, Romanian , Tadgikian, Uzbekian, Ukrainian. Example For: Romanian: Dute'm'pulo - fuck you Dute'dracu - devil! Go to Gagauzian: Sharap - wine Bira - beer Pek islaa - all right Aman - very bad Domuz - pig Popaz - priest Ban Sunglasses seni severim - I of love you Georgian: Kartveli hart? - Are the you a Georgian? Diah - yes or The Batono - Mr. Kalbatono - by Mrs. Svanuri Marili - Svanish the salt, the Georgian of spice Tshali - water Lagidze tshali - Tbilisi zelters water Didi - big Traki - ass Gotveran - a villain (Georgia You), a fag ( Azerbaydjan) Chatlakh - bastard (Georgia you), prostitute (Azerbaydjan) Ancient Ukrian: Bambarbeyaaa, khergodoo - the if you a refuse we'll knife you
Edited Sanya Guardsman (Yesterday 15:39:23)
Signature of the authorYes, Death! (Greeting party National Bolsheviks)
This is awesome! My girlfriend is Romanian. I can use this!! Thank you, Guardsman! Perfect. Спасибо!
Exactly! в соглашении Great post!
Ukraine was a Western-backed coup.
http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/02/ … means.html
This is an excellent website. I'm very glad I don't have to defend truth here.
Отредактировано Panther (2016-05-11 06:12:07)
Поделиться202016-05-11 16:28:51
My girlfriend is Romanian
romanians are very evil nation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transnistria_War
Поделиться212016-05-11 16:34:37
Ancient Ukrian: Bambarbeyaaa, khergodoo - the if you a refuse we'll knife you
it was a joke. That's not Ukrian. That's from Soviet comedy "The girl who was captured by Caucasians".